Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 15 - 15

"Deal with the leader and those who are using swords and daggers. I will deal with these archers," Nero said with broken language.

"Yes." Fortunately, Breno and Jair did not take long to understand what she said and nodded in response.

Jair, holding his sword, went up to the bandit leader, while Breno fought 2 bandits simultaneously using his spear. Nero, on the other hand, flapped her wings and flew towards the two archers. One was wearing a dark brown cap and the other had red hair, resembling a rooster with only a high hairline in the middle of his head.

"Shoot arrows; don\'t let it get any closer!" The red-haired Mohawk screamed with fear filling his voice.

"Yes!" The other with the dark brown cap agreed and took arrows from his quiver and started shooting at Nero.

*Whoosh!* *Whoosh!*

Nero spun in the air, spectacularly as she continued to head towards the archers.

"Damn, what a fierce woman." Seeing her aerial acrobatics, the archer with a cap screamed in frustration and continued to shoot the arrows in the direction of Nero, who easily deflected them.

It was almost impossible for them who were at level 4 to be able to compare to Nero\'s instincts. Even a level 5 would have a hard time hitting her with an arrow.

Nero flew and when she was close she retreated backward, staying in a straight position, and quickly and decisively, she unleashed her ability:

*[Queen\'s throw]!*

The screeching sound of the stone wrapped in blue aura cutting the wind echoed with one *Whoosh!* The speed was so great, that for the archer who was very close to Nero, he didn\'t have time to escape.


The stone hit the mohawk archer thief\'s jaw, and traveled through his throat. When his body fell backward against the dirt floor, the sound *Thud!* resounded, and he thrashed his legs until he stopped moving.

There was no response from his death in the system. Nero guesses that the guy may have just passed out, although it seemed hard to believe. But she also knew it would only be a matter of time before that archer thief died.

Seeing this, the other brown-capped archer wanted to flee, taking several steps back. Nero didn\'t look like she was going to chase him. Instead, suddenly, Nero disappeared right before his eyes straight into thin air.

In the next moment, she mysteriously appeared once again right in front of the brown-capped thief who was about to run. She materialized a sword from her inventory and full of murderous intent, she cut that thief with a brown cap\'s neck, saying, "Goodbye."

The eyes of the brown cap thief were wide open when his head was severed from his neck. Blood spurted out of his neck like a fountain. His head fell on the floor and rolled with his eyes still open in total disbelief, while his body took a while to fall to the ground with a sudden *Thud!* as the life of that little thief was taken away.

It all happened fairly fast. In less than 5 minutes Nero killed a level 4 thief and left another nearly dead…

_ _

You defeated the Human: [Thief] Rank F: Level 4.

You defeated the Human: [Thief] Rank F: Level 4.

_ _

In other words, she killed two thieves in less than 5 minutes.

Seeing this, the other two thieves fell into despair. Only the leader of the thieves remained somewhat calm. However, this carelessness made Breno seize the initiative and pierce the chest of one of the thieves.

"Shit..." The thief swore and vomited a lot of blood and his eyes rolled back, turning white.

Although he felt bad about killing someone, Breno still managed to keep his mind clear. While in his mild shock from killing someone, Breno was attacked by another thief holding a sword.

"Watch out!!" screamed Jana with much fear in her voice.

At the last second, when Breno was only inches away from the sword, the sound of *Blam!* echoed and the sword was forcibly deflected by a stone.

"Thanks!" Breno was deeply grateful to Nero. Jana and Choko also thanked her right away.

Nero smiled in response, but didn\'t waste any time. She moved quickly with her wings and climbed into the air. From up top, she threw a rock with a blue aura using *[Queen\'s throw]!* The rock flew towards the thief who almost lost his sword, his arm still numb.


As the thief was stationary, the thrown stone hit the thief\'s right eye, entering his skull.

_ _

You defeated the Human: [Thief] Rank F: Level 5.

_ _

It was a tragic end for the thief: killed by a stone that pierced his eyes.

Jair, who was almost struck by the ax of the thieves\' leader, distanced himself as he prepared to attack alongside Breno.

The leader of the thieves pointed his ax at Nero and the rest while saying fearlessly, "I can still handle five against one."

"No. One against one," Nero said as she came down from the air.

"Are you being serious?" The thief leader chuckled and said, "As you wish. This is better..."


A stone was thrown by Nero; it was so fast that it hit the thieves\' leader leg, making blood flow down its length.

"Hey, you\'ll have to dodge there or it won\'t be funny~" Nero said with a half-smile.

Immediately, the expression of the thieves\' leader changed dramatically. The intense pain in his legs made a cold sweat soak his forehead. He hobbled back a few steps.

"Coward! Stop throwing those shity stones!" The thief leader shouted. He was so angry he could barely control his voice when he screamed.

"Hehe~ I didn\'t know there were rules that said you can\'t attack using stones..." Nero sneered. It was no matter if the leader of the thieves could understand what she was saying or not.


"But I will fulfill your wish; I will not throw stones at you anymore..." Nero said with a mischievous smile, "Instead, I\'ll throw this."

What she had in her hands were two daggers taken from the thieves she killed earlier. The leader of the thieves cursed his big mouth which had brought further calamity to himself.

Choko, who had been crying before, was now calmer. She and Jana were staring at Nero in shock. With just a stone, she had managed to hurt this thief who was at level 6. Imagine if she used these daggers how scary it would be?

"Let\'s talk! We don\'t need to fight, okay?" The leader of the thieves saw that things had already spun out of his control. He was not confident in being able to defeat them all. "I\'m leaving, and I promise never to appear in front of you again. What do you think of this?"

"I think you\'re an idiot if you think I\'m going to let you go like that." Nero clearly had no intention of letting him get away.

Like bullshit, she would! If she did that, it was tantamount to giving the bastard thief a chance to take revenge later.

{Edited by: Azurtha}

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