Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 170 - The Scream, Frozen

As Jilly started to explain what the plan was, Lizy screamed.

"NO! That is stupid, and I will be building the ship!"

The scream had made the girls all go silent, and everyone turned to the black-haired woman to stare in wonder. Jilly turned her head slightly to the shorter woman and tried to hold back a groan, but failed, and Lizy\'s face started to get red with her rising temperature.

"No, you can come along if you want and help, or you can go build on for you to float around in, but we are going to work on this together. Do not test me right now woman, if it wasn\'t for Kazz, you would already be inside my belly," Jilly said in a dangerous tone and then turned back to the others.

As Jilly started to talk to the other, Lizy started to shake from her frustration with everything. Lizy couldn\'t get anything to line up in her mind with all the voicing inside of her head.

Even though Lizy knew she should stop, her mind was a mess. It prevented her from taking a step back from the situation and making things worse for her.

Keri, of all people, was the only one to hear the stress and confusion in Lizy\'s voice but wasn\'t sure what to do about it. After Lizy had attacked her this morning, Keri had thought that she might be better by now.

Keri should have known better than to rush into Lizy\'s room first thing in the morning, and it was only because she had become so comfortable around everyone so quickly. Usually, She wouldn\'t have dreamt of going near Lizy\'s cave before she woke up.

Yet, Keri had and paid the price for it, but she was still alive, and that was more than she could say for anyone else that had made the same mistake. Now, Lizy sounds like something was wrong, but Keri was too scared to try to go see her.

From there, and all the way to the point that everyone was currently, the women argued about every detail. For her part, Lizy shot down every idea given but refused to give suggestions other than to build a boat that floated.

Now, Jilly was at her wit\'s end and getting extremely frustrated. If they kept up, Jilly was ready to make an attempt at murdering the now-massive spider woman.

"If you don\'t stop acting like this, I am going wrap you in your own Steel Silk and through you in the water to drown while you cut yourself into ribbons! I would sooner hear your death screams than listen to the sound of your constant bitching!" Jilly said sharply as her patience waned.

Lizy\'s mind was a mess at this point, and she had wanted to stop, but it was almost like she had no control over herself anymore. Voices screamed in her head, but they were just screaming now, not even words.

Keri was standing off to the side with Veronica and Kieta, and she was shaking. The shaking was partially caused by her Aunty and Lizy fighting, but knowing that she had caused this was the main reason.

There was something wrong with Lizy, but no one but her seemed to notice or care, and this also bothered Keri. Kazz had told them that they needed to start being nicer to each other, but now that he was gone, it seemed that nothing had changed.

"You have no way to make it so we can all go underwater, and yet you are still determined to build a ship that goes underwater! Why don\'t any of you idiots see the problem here? Or is it just because I am who I am? Is that why you felt it was okay to just leave me out?!" Lizy screamed, and then Keri understood.

"Are you really going to act like some child that was picked last? So all of this acting like an idiot is because you think that everyone thinks you\'re an idiot?" Jilly challenged, causing Lizy to grit her teeth together violently and about to say something nasty back, but then Keri ran up screaming as loud as she could.

"STOP! WAIT! STOP!" Keri squealed as she ran over between the massive women while dragging Kieta along.

Kieta, with no clue to what was happening to her, suddenly was between two very angry-looking carnivorous monsters. Kieta was not one for getting into fights on her own and never put herself in danger, so this was far past a comfortable situation.

The pair of giant monster girls looked down at the pair of tiny blue and red girls between them. Seeing them there forced Jilly to cool down some, but Lizy was frozen, her mind a fluster storm.

"Kiki, I don\'t think you should be over here right now," Jilly said, looking down at the girls, but Keri ignored her, and turned to the still frozen Lizy, and then let go of Kieta\'s hand, dropping to her knees.

"I am sorry for rushing into your room this morning without giving you a warning first, Lizy. I am also sorry that we didn\'t invite you personally when Kazz told us to work together," Keri apologized after putting her head to the ground.

The beach had gone dead silent, and the only noise was the strange splashing from the waves cutting the brambles Jill had created. Everyone was beyond surprised by Keri\'s actions, but the most affected were Jilly and Lizy.

Only Jilly knew about what Lizy had done to Keri, and she was left speechless after she heard what her little Kiki had said. All the fire went out of Jilly, and she really looked at Lizy for the first time in a long time.

Then she could see something that wasn\'t clear to her before when she looked into her nemesis\'s eyes. Fear.

That confused Jilly, and she didn\'t understand why someone who acted so harsh and angry could be scared of something simultaneously. Something was wrong with Lizy, and because of her closeness to Keri and past experiences with Lizy, Jilly couldn\'t see it, nor had she wanted to.

Keri still had her head on the ground, but Lizy didn\'t know what to say or do. This little girl\'s simple apology had made the voices go silent, but to hear the person that she had hurt say sorry created a new pain.

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